The Natalie Kuz Memorial Scholarship for newchoir!

In loving memory of Natalie Kuz who was a devoted member and friend of newchoir's from 2007-2022.  

Natalie was an alto, a soloist, the membership coordinator, a board member. and most of all, a true friend to us all.  Natalie has left us with incredible memories that will leave us filled with laughter and joy for many years to come.  She requested that we establish a scholarship fund in her name to be used to support members in financial need and ensure that they continue to sing with the choir that she loved so much.  

Donations can be made through the form below or by e-transfer to ( please include The Natalie Kuz Memorial Scholarship in the subject line as well as your email address.  We need this information to issue a receipt). All donations will be received with gratitude and receipts will be issued for all donations of $25.00 or more.  

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